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About the Fellowship

The Robert L. Fine Cancer Research Foundation will distribute one Postdoctoral Fellowship Award to an outstanding candidate in the field of pancreatic cancer research. The Fellowship is intended to support the candidate by providing a stipend and discretionary funds. The topic of the requested research plan should be innovative pancreatic cancer research that focuses on basic science or translational research, including pilot and feasibility studies, self-contained research projects, development of new methodology or technology.  The candidate may not pursue a project with solely clinical research. 

Grant Mechanism

Monetary awards will be granted to applicants in response to a once yearly Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).  The award is comprised of a stipend totaling $60,000 and discretionary funds totaling $5,000. The duration of support will be one year.


Eligible Applicants

Applicants must have received a PhD, MD, or MD/PhD and completed their terminal degree within the past 6 years. Applicants must have already been accepted to join a lab for their postdoctoral training. MD or MD/PhD applicants with clinical responsibilities must dedicate 90% effort to research time during the funding period. The Principal Investigator of the lab must submit a letter of recommendation for the applicant. Applicants may only submit one application per deadline. Applicants are ineligible if they are funded through a different individual postdoctoral fellowship award. Non-U.S. citizens are encouraged to apply.


Structure of the Grant Application

Applicants must present a clearly articulated research plan and career development plan. A complete application will include the following components (submitted as one combined PDF):


  1. Cover letter signed by the applicant and signing official

  2. Research strategy including Specific Aims (3 pages)

  3. Citations

  4. Career development plan (1 page) describing objectives for postdoctoral fellowship and broader career goals

  5. NIH biographical sketches (for applicant and PI)

  6. Letters of Recommendation (up to 3, one letter must come from the PI)

  7. Letter of institutional support (for MDs or MD/PhDs with clinical responsibilities, letter must confirm 90% dedicated research effort; for non-U.S. citizens, letter must confirm institutional support of visa status)


Deadline: The next deadline for submissions will be: March 31, 2021 by 5pm EST.


Funding period: July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022

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